light brown retriever licking peanut butter from a silver spoon

Can Dogs Eat Peanut Butter? Know the Risks!

One of the most common flavours for dog treats, most pet owners don’t think twice about sharing the delicious snack with their dogs. However, not all types of peanut butter are safe! To fully answer the question ‘Can dogs eat peanut butter?’ you must first learn these safety tips…

Most dog owners recognize peanut butter as a fun treat for our pups (and a great way to keep them busy while cutting their nails), however, few are familiar with the potential risks.

Today, I’m going to break down everything you need to know about peanut butter safety and your dog.

Overhead view of a glass jar full of all-natural peanut butter, peanut butter being scooped out by a white spoon. Peanuts and peanut shells on the wooden table beside the jar.

Xylitol – The Toxic Ingredient

A common sugar-replacement sweetener, xylitol can be found in a number of products including chewing gum, toothpaste, sugar-free candies and some brands of peanut butter.

The sugar alternative is safe for human consumption; however, it is highly toxic to dogs!

Veterinarians around the globe have dealt with thousands of cases each year of poisoning by xylitol.

Why is it so common? The toxic dose of xylitol in dogs is much smaller than that of chocolate (a known toxin), and it’s hidden in many of our regular products!

For example, 3 pieces of your favourite xylitol-containing gum would likely prove fatal for a 10 lb dog.

When your dog ingests a product containing xylitol, it is absorbed into the bloodstream.

Here, it triggers a rapid release of insulin from the pancreas, quickly causing his/her blood sugar levels to drop drastically.

Related: ‘9 Surprising Health Benefits of Pumpkin for Dogs

Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) can happen as quickly as 10 minutes after ingesting the toxin.

Signs and symptoms include:

  • Confusion/Disorientation
  • Staggering
  • Lethargy
  • Weakness
  • Trembling
  • Irregular Heart Rate or Breathing
  • Collapse or Unconsciousness
  • Seizures

If you suspect that your dog has ingested xylitol, contact your veterinarian IMMEDIATELY. Left untreated, hypoglycemia can quickly turn fatal.

Check out this comprehensive list of products that are known to contain xylitol from

Identifying the risk is the first step to keeping your pet safe!

Don’t Trust ‘All Natural’ Labels

If you see the label ‘All Natural’ on a jar of peanut butter, do not assume that it is safe for your pup!

Xylitol is considered to be an ‘all natural’ sugar substitute, meaning that it may still be present.

Always read over the list of ingredients carefully.

The safest (and healthiest) types of peanut butter are generally found in the natural foods section of your favourite store and contain only 1 ingredient, peanuts.

A white dog with a brown patch of fur around it's left eye, licking it's lips. Peanut butter on it's muzzle.

Limit Treats for Your Dog’s Health

Peanut butter treats are exactly that, treats. They should not be considered a substitute for your dog’s regular diet.

Too many treats can contribute to obesity, pancreatitis as well as a list of other potential health concerns.

Your dog’s treats should account for no more than 10% of their daily calorie intake.

Note: When discussing ‘treats’, this includes both treats with peanut butter as an ingredient AND straight peanut butter.

Peanut butter is packed with natural fats and protein, which contribute to good healthy.

However, the warning of ‘too much of a good thing’ holds true! But how much is too much? This differs from dog to dog…

If you have questions about how much peanut butter your dog can safely enjoy, contact your veterinarian.

Related: ‘Can My Dog Eat Carrots?

Conclusion – Can Dogs Eat Peanut Butter?

Great news, if your dog loves that nutty taste, the answer is Yes! Dogs can enjoy peanut butter as an occasional treat as long as you ensure that it is free from xylitol.

If you are purchasing a commercial peanut butter dog treat from your pet store, rest assured – your purchase will be dog-friendly.

However, if you plan on sharing a spoonful of PB with your dog, carefully read all product labels.

If the idea of purchasing commercial dog treats makes you nervous, or you simply enjoy making their goodies at home, why not try our easy (and delicious) 3 Ingredient Peanut Butter Banana Dog Treats?

Your dog will thank you!

light brown retriever licking peanut butter from a silver spoon with text asking 'Can dogs eat peanut butter?'

Does your dog love peanut butter? What are his/her favourite peanut butter treats (either commercial treats or recipes)?

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  1. Great read, it totally pisses me off how many peanut butters say “natural” these days and still have a ton of ingredients. It’s hard to choose one for your kids let alone your dogs. Great and informative read, thanks!

  2. Britt, Great article crystal clear explanation your research and posts are very helpful for pet lovers. Thanks for sharing wonderful blog post??