female vet holding an exam form an a dogs paw | How to Get Emergency Help with Veterinary Bills
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How to Get Emergency Help with Veterinary Bills

Our pets are beloved members of our family. We go to great lengths to give them the life that they deserve, factoring their needs into our budget, our home, and our lifestyle. Unfortunately, there are times when even the most responsible pet owners are hit with an emergency vet bill that exceeds the funds that…

portrait of a guinea pig | Small Animal Rescue: Where to Adopt Your Next Pocket Pet

Small Animal Rescue: Where to Adopt Your Next Pocket Pet

Are you looking to add a new member to your family? Small animals also affectionately called ‘Pocket Pets’ are a popular choice for family pets. They may be small, but they aren’t lacking in personality or love to share! While these pets are often purchased from local pet stores, another option to find your new…

A small brown and white dwarf hamster is sitting inside a blue plastic exercise wheel inside a white and blue wire cage. A second all-white hamster is sitting beside it in the shavings.

How to Choose the Best Hamster Wheel for Your New Pet

There is no questioning the fact that hamsters generally LOVE their exercise wheels. But did you know that your hamster’s wheel is more than just a fun accessory? In this post, I’m going to discuss the importance of providing your hamster with an exercise wheel as well as 4 important factors to consider when selecting…

A grey lop-eared rabbit sitting on a lime green blanket in front of a plain beige backdrop.

Easy Homemade Rabbit Toys Using Recycled Materials

You may be surprised to learn that rabbits are highly intelligent and playful pets. Unaware of this, many rabbit owners fail to provide their bunnies with the necessary opportunities to exercise their bodies and their minds. This causes boredom which can then lead to a variety of health and behavioural issues. Looking for a solution…

small white and grey tabby cat with long hair laying on a white photo studio backdrop with a pile of red, pink and white foam hearts
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30 Adorable Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Pets! [UPDATED: 2021]

Most people associate Valentine’s Day with bouquets of roses and boxes of chocolates. However, I am a firm believer that the holiday is about celebrating more than just romantic love – it’s about your friendships, family members and, of course, your pets! If you’re still shopping for your pet, roses and chocolates clearly aren’t going…